Forcing myself and developing my abilities

Forcing myself and developing my abilities

When I was learning English at an advanced level by myself, I locked myself in my room. This intensive period of learning lasted four weeks. During this time, I tried to limit my eating, sleeping, and socializing with my friends; it felt like a priesthood.

I spent a significant amount of time researching old Turkish literature, which is sophisticated, uncommon, and even unknown to many Turks. I came across texts that were so qualified and well written that they greatly improved my language skills. During these intense periods of study, I realized the value of well-written texts, even in physics.

These experiences convinced me that the more I push myself, the faster my abilities develop. Given that everyone’s learning style differs, I believe mine consists of brief bursts of intense learning in which I challenge myself. I am a strong believer in autodidacticism. I was learning at an incredible rate during this time, and I was enjoying even the most insignificant things that I had previously overlooked. While studying physics, I had a similar experience.

According to a Turkish proverb, “the mind learns through pleasure.” This is the most important thing to remember when learning a new skill or choosing a career, in my opinion. You most likely enjoy doing whatever you are capable of.

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